Fairy tale spread #4: Red Riding Hood part 2
08:31Hello sunshines!
I am not very present on the blog these days, I know! Do you want to know why? I am working HARD, backstage, to change tons of things on my site (you may already have noticed the new title and theme, it's only the beginning). And this takes a lot of time. I've also finally found a job (yeah!). And well, it's summer, I'm in a big city, with friends, so of course, I'm enjoying it quite a lot! If you want to see more of the summer life in Montréal, you can check my Instagram (I am also posting daily draws there lately, a new summer goal if you can call it that way).
All that to say: sorry for not posting more! I just hope you'll love all the changes I am preparing for you <3 So let's get back to the topic of this post: my favorite Fairy Tale spread so far: Red Riding Hood!
Don't know what I am talking about with fairy tale spreads? well, it's still time to catch up here!
Why is this spread my little favorite? Because it will be a real dive in your childhood and its effects on your present.. and how to use it or your future! The cards here bring to light the source of your hopes and fears, how they made you who you are, and how they can help you transform yourself for the best!
1: your childhood fears
2: how did they influence your past
3: how are they affecting your present
4: your childhood hopes
5: how did they influence your past
6: how are they affecting your present
7: the person both your fears and hopes built
8: how to use your fears to grow stronger
9: how to use your hopes to move on in life
10: the person you could be
Feel free to use it for personal use and let me know how it goes!
With love,
PS: this spread is also available at my store if you want to get a reading with it!
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