Fairy tale spreads #3
04:15Hello lovely souls!
Don't know what I am talking about with fairy tale spreads? well, it's still time to catch up here! The last two spreads posted were about Cinderella, it is now time to move to another well-known fairy tale: Little Red Riding Hood. Another one with quite a powerful message... and a lot of adaptations! I wonder by the way which one is your favorite? (whether it's books of movies). I really enjoyed the movie version with Amanda Seyfried but well... that's because of Amanda Seyfried, she really has something special.
This first Little Red spread (hint: there is going to be another one!) is for all the wondering souls, lost in their personal forest, not knowing wich path to take in front of a complicated situation, and looking for some guidance.
1. Starting the path in the woods: Your current mindset, how you look at your situation
About option one:
2. Losing the path: what are the obstacles coming your way
3. Growing up: Which part of you will help you to overcome them
4. The Lesson: how will this way transform you?
About option two:
Repeat the same questions than for cards 2 to 4 with the cards 4 to 7 :)
Feel free to use it for personal use and let me know how it goes!
With love,
PS: this spread is also available at my store
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