The Power of Gratitude


Hello beautiful souls!

How is your week going? Feeling good?
Mine was a bit... hectic. I had a surgery done and was so stressed out about it, I was not sleeping or anything. But now it's done, and I am glad I did it; not only because, well it needed to be done, but also because it reminded me of something very important: that I was not alone.
Yes, in that day of stress and pain, I realized that, I was loved, that people cared about it, and for the first time in a looooong time, the power of Gratitude hit me!

I am sure I am not the only one... some days we just feel terrible about ourselves: we are worthless, failures and no one really like us. How could they? And when days like that start, all we can do is focus on the negative, the tiny things that are going wrong, the things we don't succeed in, the people cancelling appointments we were excited about... in a few words: negativity is everywhere.
Until that day, that day where you are really in trouble, and finally decide to speak about it, accept the help, or even ask for it.

This is what happened to me. I talked about my surgery, I was afraid and feeling desperate. And the first thing I saw was the amazing support I got from the community, the sweet messages and good vibes sent to me. But still, it was not enough, not enough to keep the negativity away. I was not enjoying school, not being able to relax, never, just a ball of stress and anxiety.

And then we arrive to today, the day of my surgery, the day I was remembered of the power of Gratitude. The day started with messages from friends and family saying they were with me and sure all was going to go well. Then it was this friend I made this year and became pretty close to, she came with me to the surgery, and stayed all along. She brought me back home, ate with me (well, I looked at her eating at least) and she only left when I was in bed ready to nap.

After that, another new friend I made here, who came by to check on me, bringing my favorite ice cream flavor (coconut if you are wondering) and we watched a movie and did tarot together. We talked, about big stuff and small stuff. And just, she was there. For me.

All these people where there. For me. Because I meant something to them, because they cared about me. Because they LOVE me. And I realized then, that I was not alone, and never would be.

Of course they can't be there 100% of the time, they have their own life to live. But in the important moments, they will not leave me alone.
When I looked over at all the things my friends did for me today, a huge wave of love crossed my body, almost bringing tears to my eyes. Gratitude. Gratitude for their presence, their love, their care.
And then, it was like someone had turn on the light in my mind: I actually had so many other things to be grateful for in my life! Little things, like the taste of coconut ice cream, or big things, like having a roof on my head and a bed to sleep in.

So here is a (non exhaustive) list of the things I am grateful for:

- My mom and her unconditional love.
- My grandparents, who do not always understand me but love me with all their heart.
- My friends and their care and support, new or old, they have an important place in my life!
- My partner, because he is all of the above and more.
- Doing studies I, overall, enjoy.
- Sleeping in a bed everynight, being able to eat everyday.
- My crazy brain jumping all the directions, making me able to create, laugh and share.
- My computer, because without it I would be lost!
- My tarot and oracle decks, an amazing help (for myself or others).. and a source of income.
- Tea!! (because tea IS life)

I could add so many more things to that list, and I really want to try something for now: everyday, to take the time to remember it and feel the power of Gratitude. I know I won't succeed at first, and that it will be hard to still see the silver lining some days. But I feel like I understand more now the amazing power of feeling grateful for the things in your life, of deciding to turn on the light in your life!

And you, what are you grateful for? Let's share some positivity here!

With love émoticône heart


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