New Moon Ritual


Happy New Moon my darlings!

How are you doing? Was your month of August as busy as mine? Making you feel like you are not ready to start a "new" year and could actually get some more time off to enjoy the last days of Sun (that is, if you live in the Northern hemisphere)? I know I do. It's time for me to get back to University, a real schedule, and a part of me is happy about that! The other part... well the other part would be perfectly fine spending days walking in town, reading, trying tea recipes and developing my website. But well, as I can't stop time, I can just accept that the year is advancing... and do my best with the time and opportunities I have :) And I think the New Moon in Virgo is perfect for that! I will talk a bit more about the why later in this post, but first, I wanted to share with you the ritual I did for the last New Moon and hope to do again tonight!

As mentioned a few posts earlier, I have discovered that my energy, my practice, well everything about me, is better around the New Moon! And it is why I have developed a "little" ritual I plan on re-doing (with some differences) on every New Moon. This year, it's really important to me to deepen my connection with the Moon... and with myself!

Here is how it goes:

First, at dawn, I take a walk, with a witchy playlist on my ears (Florence + the Machine guys!!!!! Strangeness and Charm & Cosmic love are my favorites), for about an hour. This allows me to let go of the worries of the day, have some "me" time and take the time to feel my body and the energy around and inside me.

Then, I go home and take a cleansing shower, visualizing all negativity going away with the water. It's even better if you can use a body wash with herbs for purification/cleansing, that you made yourself or bought.

After that, it is all about reconnecting with my sacred feminine energy (that's just my way to call it); I apply on my body a glittering monoï, the smell and texture make me feel very sensual in a way, really appreciating each part of my body and embracing it. And I love this way to connect with the Moon and celebrate my body!

Once this done, I dance. Simply, freely (again, on Florence + the Machine), letting my body express how powerful the Moon made me feel, how beautiful and connected to the world!
When I feel "recharged" energy speaking, in tune with the Moon, I sit down in a circle made of crystals I associate with the Moon and write down wishes for the Moon Cycle to come, with a silver pen. I focus my intent on my wishes, saying them out loud.

Last time, I also did some  Nail polish intention by Moon and Myrth tarot, saying the different parts of me I wanted to cleanse and purify for each nail I painted with transparent nail polish!

I finish my routine by making a braided bracelet with aspects of myself I want to focus on this month (energy, sacred feminine power, and creativity).

I also placed my crystals and decks under the Moonlight for them to be cleansed,  I use the poor babies so much!

And then, going to bed!

That's my general routine, that I adapt for each New Moon. This one is in Virgo, a sign well known for their organization skills! So if you have goals you want to reach this year, it's the perfect time to write them down. But not only the final goal, also all the steps you need to achieve along the way! Particularly, if you have objectives when it comes to health or employment, this time is perfect to write them down and make a plan! Because that's the Virgo's secret: to make plans, to do as much as you can to control how your project will go. Do not just put your intent out and wait for it to be accomplished, put all the chances on your side by planning out actions you can do to make it happen!

If you ask me, it's the perfect time to give bullet journaling a chance, this way of organizing your life being very close to the spirit of Virgo :) But well, maybe it's just because it's something I love to do and want to give more time for in the months to come!

What do you plan (hehe) to do for the New Moon?

With love <3


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